发布人:游昕达  发布时间:2021-10-07   浏览次数:10

陶家宇,男,1994年出生,工学博士,讲师,长期致力于光电功能材料、导电高分子聚合物材料的合成制备及性质探究,以第一或共同第一作者在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, European Polymer Journal, Polymer等期刊上发表SCI论文13篇,获授权中国发明专利5件。


2012.9-2016.6南京林业大学 化学工程与工艺 学士

2016.9-2019.6南京林业大学 化学工艺 硕士

2020.9-2024.6南京林业大学 林产化学加工工程 博士




1. Tao Jiayu, Chen Hongjin, Hanyiying, et al. Electropolymerization of D-A-D type butterfly-shaped monomers based on triphenylamine-thiophene consisting of camphor substituted quinoxaline moiety for efficient electrochromism and supercapacitors. European Polymer Journal, 2024, 215, 113229.

2. Tao Jiayu, Chen Hongjin, Cui Jiuzhou, et al. Molecular engineering of cross-linked polymers based on camphor substituted quinoxaline and 2,5-dithiophen-2-yl-pyrrole for efficient electrochromic energy storage devices. European Polymer Journal, 2024, 208, 112836.

3. Tao Jiayu, Chen Hongjin, Hanyiying, et al. Molecular engineering of novel D-A conjugated polymers for electrochromic energy storage devices toward enhanced performance. European Polymer Journal, 2023, 200, 112502.

4. Tao Jiayu, Chen Hongjin, Hanyiying, et al. Electropolymerization of D-A-D type triphenlyamine-based monomers consisting of camphor substituted quinoxaline unit for efficient electrochromism and supercapacitors. Polymer, 2023, 285, 126386.

5. Xiao Yuchuan#, Tao Jiayu#, Peng Xuan, et al. Two-Dimensional Molecular Network Built from Hierarchy Self-Assembly of Perylene Bisimide Derivatives. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021, 13 (14), 17129-17138.